16th October 2020
Five Urban Legends of Latinx Dead Women Ending Unfaithful Men / Cinco leyendas de mujeres espeluznantes cazando hombres infieles
The motives behind these stories are mildly reminiscent of some of the gorier tales by the brothers Grimm, in which heroes would go on journeys where they lose fingers and bargain with the devil’s grandmother, all so parents could have a cold, hard, factual story to scare their children into not to going into the forest alone. That seems to be the purpose of urban legends: to keep kids away from strangers, deep waters, and streets at night. While Latinx urban legends are no exception, once we trace the roots of them back to their beginnings, they start to seem more like stories to scare grown men out of cheating and, frankly, women out of marriage.